Watching, Protecting, Always On-Guard.
Live Video Monitoring Service - Managed Access Control North Dakota: Providing live video monitoring services, Virtual Guard works to reduce the dangers to your on-site team by removing the potential for distraction during overnight or off-peak hours when manned surveillance is not necessary. Working with your on-site team, our security personnel are able to monitor your property through the use of multiple strategically placed cameras.
Using managed access control for North Dakota properties to provide ongoing surveillance, these feeds are available at any time and feature instantaneous playback and recording. These customized installations can include perimeter monitoring and virtual gate assistance to manage access to your property while our off-site team provides consistent monitoring to respond when a threat is detected.
The team at Virtual Guard will conduct an inspection of your site in order to determine the most effective locations for our equipment to be able to provide managed access control for North Dakota properties. Quickly differentiating between a guest and an intruder, these systems can include guest screening, driver's license image scanner, license plate capture and recognition, two-way intercom, and more. Call today to learn more about your system options.
Virtual Guard prevents crime, loitering, trespassing and other unwanted activity before it can get started. Our leading edge technology, wholly owned and operated monitoring facilities and proactive procedures detect system failures and verify when access points are compromised. Virtual Guard’s technology and software allows live, remote guards to interact with the site, as the event is happening, using audio to voice down warnings and commands or to alert security and local law enforcement. When used with cameras, a visual verification can also be provided.
Request a FREE Security Evaluation Today (888) 435 3533
Watching, Protecting, Always On Guard
Nationwide Access Control Services
Condo Coop HOA POA CDD Multifamily
Automotive dealerships are designed to showcase new and pre-owned vehicles available for sale outside on the sales lot for customers to view. The main challenge is to protect these assets from being vandalized or even stolen off the lot.
Large construction sites have equipment out in the open, exposing assets to potential vandalism and theft. Compared to live guards, Virtual Guard can more effectively reduce crime on the sites while lowering the overall security cost.
Scrap yard facilities typically require around-the-clock security to prevent theft and fire to their assets. Virtual Guard provides affordable security solutions to protect all kinds of scrap yard and recycling facilities. Virtual Guard Latest News
Common Assets and services are the responsibility of the Managers and Representatives to protect and maintain. Our services leverage security technology to allow our live remote guards to provide real time detection and deterrence from unwanted behaviors and provide secure evidence that stands up in court.
Condominiums, often Multifamily buildings in Urban areas, have unique needs. Protecting access doors and entries, deterring unwanted behaviors and access to clear evidence leads to enhanced quality of life through enforcement of the condominium documents.
Our services allow property managers to do the things that maintain and enhance the property and protect the owners interests rather than spending time filling out police reports, insurance claims, searching video, cleaning up access control databases and upgrading old systems.