Virtual Video Monitoring Service Arkansas

Watching, Protecting, Always On-Guard.

Virtual Remote Video Monitoring Solution

Preventing Crime Before It Happens Since 2007

Virtual Video Monitoring Service

Crime Prevention System: Virtual Video Monitoring Service Arkansas, exclusively designed by Virtual Guard, ensures that your business and residence are secured against intruders. A live video monitoring system fills in the gaps in the security system by providing security to identify threats quickly and efficiently. When the system identifies a potential threat, the area of concern is shown on a security monitor for a remote agent to assess. This can all be accomplished in seconds, which benefits all parties involved.

How does the live remote Video Monitoring work?

Virtual Video Monitoring Service Arkansas has long been employed by businesses and commercial establishments to monitor their assets and interests. Security cameras, in addition to security officers, have been used. Unfortunately, these systems provided only a reactive security strategy. Modern security and surveillance technologies have made establishing a proactive security system simpler. Remote video monitoring is a significant breakthrough. Users may see their security camera feeds from any location with an internet connection with this capability.

With our Virtual Video Monitoring Service Arkansas, users may check in on their property from as close as a block away or thousands of kilometers away. Furthermore, security cameras now include a variety of conventional functions, such as high-resolution photos. The feeds of clients' security cameras may be monitored via virtual security monitoring services. Off-site, highly qualified security professionals watch the streams 24 hours a day. To deliver a dynamic security solution, the security specialists combine their knowledge with video analytics.

Virtual Guard uses a technology that is similar to the technology that is used by the Department of Defense and the US Department of Homeland Security. It is a high-quality technology that has a software installed which helps our monitoring team to act immediately.

It enables our monitoring team to watch a live feed of your property so that we can respond immediately to any threat. With the live video monitoring service our team can communicate with the intruder using a pre-recorded and live message through the speakers. With this system, properties are properly monitored and secured at all times. Virtual Guards live video monitoring system is available nationwide.

Benefits of Virtual Guard Virtual Video Monitoring Service

  • Unlike other passive security video systems, the Virtual Guard video monitoring system is proactive, constantly watching the premises to detect any activity on site.
  • Live video monitoring prevents crime from happening. This type of security monitoring does not simply scan recorded videos after the crime has happened. The videos are monitored at all times in order to catch and prevent the intruder from committing any crime.
  • The Video Monitoring Service provides an immediate response whenever any activity occurs on site. The system plays pre-recorded and live messages through the speakers to notify and fend off intruders. If all else fails, the personnel can also escalate the situation to local law enforcement officials to quickly facilitate the removal of the intruder before any crime occurs.
Remote Video Monitoring & Surveillance Solution

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"Rest easy knowing that every corner of your property is being monitored and properly guarded."

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